File Structure

The tree diagram below illustrates the file structure and contents of the package.

  • .output - Use this directory to deploy your Nuxt application to production.
  • app - Nuxt automatically imports any components in this directory.
  • assets - All the website's assets that the build tool will process.
  • components - Nuxt automatically imports any components in this directory.
  • ui - Shadcn components
  • config
  • layouts - Layouts framework to extract common UI patterns into reusable layouts.
  • middleware
  • store
  • utils
  • content - File-based CMS for your application.
  • modules
  • public - website's static assets.
  • server
  • .env - Main entry point file.
  • eslint.config.js - Main entry point file.
  • nuxt.config.ts
  • tsconfig.json - Main entry point file.
  • uno.config.ts - Main entry point file.

You can follow their official documentation Nuxt.